It comes with a practice kit to use on the unruly peeps in your life! :0)
SABRE SMART PEPPER SPRAY is setting itself apart by incorporating technology into the defense system’s structure. If you find yourself in a position where you have to dispense pepper spray, it will immediately send notifications and location to the contact you have listed on your smartphone application.

You can also sign up for a program that alerts authorities along with your chosen contacts. By simply deploying a shot from the canister, help will be on the way! There’s no trying to dial your phone while a perpetrator is still in striking range for The SABRE SMART PEPPER SPRAY sends out notifications for you!
Price: $29.99
Continue to humble your “would-be” assailants with 24 more bursts before you run out! Heck, it sounds like so much fun that, you may want to purchase two! That way your ambidextrous self can trash-talk a little until help gets there! “Burns, don’t it!” ;o) ” Poor wittle Baby gunna cwy?” :0) Okay, maybe that’s a little “Sandra Bullock” and you should probably get to safety first! Then “burst” em’ from a second-story window while they’re blinded, stumbling aimlessly! :0)
SMART Pepper Spray | SABRE (
I don’t know about you but giving your defense weapon this kind of ability seems pretty groundbreaking to me!
(Use responsibly) Peace _SGB