Year in and year out we all make a conscious choice of what we allow into our lives and what we choose to keep out. If I told you that the WITHINGS BODY SCAN would introduce you to a Cardiologist, a Nutritionist, a Trainer, and a Dietitian, along with a constant aura of inspiration and motivation, would you believe me?
The first step in believing is accepting where you are in life. Changing the past isn’t an option, changing the future is. You have to step up and step on for WITHINGS BODY SCAN to help you on your journey. Once you choose to do so, you will be introduced to a system that will be the most supportive you have ever known. Trust it!

The scale itself also contributes to your scan by measuring electrodermal activity along with your weight.
Price: $399.99

The Handle is one of the key components to measuring both your fat mass and muscle mass. Through this technology, the WITHINGS+ will provide you with a schedule for exercise and diet. The first 3 months of this program cost you nothing then after that you can either pay an annual fee which comes out to $8.33 per month or monthly at $9.95. It’s a small investment and one you deserve for helping maintain your health!

Smart Scales, Watches and Health Monitoring Devices | Withings
I am currently enrolled in Withings+ and will update this review in 90 days.
Peace _SGB