Aleddra’s Air-sanitizing Desktop Lamp


The Aleddra Air-sanitizing Desktop Lamp offers up to 1000 cubic feet of protection. Designed to protect personal workspace from airborne pathogens using high-density photocatalyst material called ViraPure. The activated ViraPure kills pathogens trapped in the lampshade through a process called Photoelectrochemical Oxidation. This lamp is safe to operate with occupants in the room because it uses LED(s) instead of a UVC light source.

Independent third-party microbiology lab tests showed that the lamp had a 99.5% deactivation rate of the H1N1 influenza A virus in the test chamber after 60 minutes, and a 99.95% effective kill rate of the SARS-CoV coronavirus.

Along with the features and benefits mentioned above the Air-sanitizing Desktop Lamp has bi-level dimming, a two-speed fan, color tuning (2700K, 3900K, and 5000K), and two USB ports for charging portable electronic devices.

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