Editor’s Choice: Earpeace Music Earplugs

About 10 years ago, a friend of mine convinced me to attend an Iron Maiden concert in Phoenix. I’m a huge rock music fan, so I was happy to attend … even if I wasn’t the biggest Iron Maiden fan. As soon as the band hit the stage, and played their first power chord, I knew I was in for a wild ride. And that my ear drums were under assault.

The band was LOUD … and as luck had it, we were standing right in front one of two massive speaker columns that cranked out sound for the entire outdoor pavilion.

At times, I thought my ear drums were going to start bleeding … and after two hours of this audio assault, my ears were ringing for DAYS. I wish I used earplugs, but I didn’t want to be the guy who stuffed foam earplugs into his ears. I didn’t want to be THAT guy.

Recently, I discovered EarPeace music earplugs, which not only protect your ears from dangerous decibel levels, but also allow in some of the audio. It’s a nice balance between protection and enjoyment, and I wish I knew about this brand when I saw Iron Maiden.

Why should you trust EarPeace? Well, they’ve been a leader in the space for 10+ years. It’s the only high-fidelity earplug innovative enough to be granted both design and utility patents. And not for nothing, they’re a trusted provider for brands and bands like NPR Music, Redbull, Vans, Metallica, Phish and more (if only I knew about them BEFORE Iron Maiden).

EarPeace earplugs are ultra-comfortable. Patented Contour Earplugs mimic the shape of your ear canal for a more comfortable, natural fit. Hypoallergenic silicone ear plugs are soft and comfortable, so you’ll forget you’re wearing them.

EarPeace Contour Earplugs are oval and have an offset wave shape that expands optimally in the ear. This creates a complete seal while applying the least amount of pressure to the delicate ear canal. EarPeace Contour Earplugs perform and fit like custom molded earplugs – but without the custom cost.

Here are our three favorite models from EarPeace:

EarPeace Music Pro safely elevates your listening and comfort experience with brand new technology and patented design upgrades. Music is clear and crisp. Comfortable for hours, the Music Pro will help you hear and feel better.

True-To-Life Audio: Ultra high-fidelity filters feature tuned acoustic membrane technology that performs as a primary eardrum, absorbing and precisely replicating the sound signature at a safe volume.

Choose from medium, high or max filters and be ready for any experience. The acoustic filter technology attenuates frequencies evenly. Turn down the volume without distorting the sound and hear music the way it’s meant to be heard.

EarPeace Moto PRO safely elevates your listening and comfort experience with brand new technology and patented design upgrades. Comfortably manage wind noise. Communications are clear and crisp.

Improved Situational Awareness: Ultra high-fidelity filters feature tuned acoustic membrane technology that precisely replicates the sound signature at a safe volume. Clearly hear sounds you want while protecting against wind noise and fatigue.

EarPeace Pro is the required accessory for your next ride. Choose from medium, high or max filters and be ready for any environment.

Quality sleep is fundamental to overall wellness and EarPeace SLEEP is your new best friend for a healthier, happier life. The SLEEP earplugs are designed to bring you maximum comfort while minimizing unwanted sounds, so you can get the rest you need. Sleep soundly and recharge your body and mind for the day ahead.

High quality sleep helps to:
• Strengthen immune function
• Maintain healthy body weight
• Enhance concentration and productivity
• Protect against heart disease and stroke
• Improve athletic performance

For more information, visit www.earpeace.com.

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