Fib, the hilarious card game for liars and thieves

Fib Games announced the release of Fib, the ultimate exercise in imagination. Weave your tales of deceit with the cards in your hand, embellishing and lying as needed. Every game unfolds a unique, side-splitting narrative. Fib is more than just a card game. Born out of a fusion of Mad Libs, Cards Against Humanity, and poker, it’s designed to redefine party games. Fib takes any game night to the next level, offering an unforgettable experience filled with cunning tricks, captivating tales, and endless fun. Are you prepared to unleash your inner fibber and claim victory?

Perfect for social gatherings whether it’s a casual get-together or a lively party, Fib is designed to bring your group closer. Revel in laughter, creativity, and surprise in every game.

Fib is not just about lying! Show off your sneaky side by claiming Story cards as Fib cards for extra points. But beware; a sharp-eyed accuser might just catch you in the act. No two games of Fib are the same. With endless combinations of Fib and Story cards, your tales of trickery and theft will be uniquely hilarious every time you play.

Fib offers a simple gameplay format that even newbies can understand in minutes. Yet, perfecting your ability to deceive or catch your friends in a fib can be a rewarding lifelong quest.

The gameplay is straightforward and easy to learn:

1.                   Setup & Storytelling: Deal five cards to each player and determine the starting Storyteller. Choose three cards, sequence them on the Storyboard, and tell a story, improvising where needed.

2.                  Listening & Accusing: Call “pass” if you believe the story or “Fib” to accuse a card of falsehood. Gain points for successful Fib identification or defending against false accusations.

3.                   Winning: Continue passing the Storyboard and playing rounds. The first to 11 points wins, or ends early with the highest points as the winner.

Fib retails for $30 at

This game is going to be a riot for years to come!

For more info, visit

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