The Cat 60V 15″ Brushless String Trimmer is for lack of a better description- NEXT LEVEL!

This 60 VOLT System is putting up a contentious challenge in a bid to unseat gas lawncare equipment as the go-to! Consider this if you will: While it’s true that gas trimmers like Husqavarna’s 330LK gas motors can produce up…

It’s Summertime 2023! Let’s Do IT Like It’s Never Been Done Before! Live it up!

Brought To you by the creators of Beer Darts “Jonathon & Ryan” The BEER DARTS Team is now this Summers poster child for partying! A picture’s worth a thousand words. They all had a blast! Bottle it and sell it!…

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for the Nintendo Switch

Deja Vous was crawling through my veins! This game is an action-packed RPG game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. It’s the latest release of the famed Zelda series that harkens all the way back to the…