part 3 of Ren: The Ice-cold truth.

A Journey that started the day Joe Vanished.

I am going to let Ren tell this story for it is his to tell. The things we go through in life can make us or break us. It’s so important that those who surround us understand and take notice when one of us becomes broken. Because it may very well be you that begins to bring the pieces of a fractured life back together.

The power of depression and the trail it leaves behind can be brutal :0[
We face demons in our lifetime. We also have the promise of the light in our lives. Keep your Focus on the light.
When a friend chooses to leave this world on his own terms those friends who remain think upon them every day. Sometimes by the hour, minute, and if it engulfs us every second of a day. RIP Darla, Terry & Joe
Sam Thompkins is a friend of Ren’s and released this song hours after Ren released “Suicide.” You know the beauty in these guys is that they are all rising to the occasion and “Being There for each other!”

It’s sad that we live in a world where people distant themselves from those that are hurting in the name of positivity within their own lives. It’s sad that a Cancel Culture Society has even come into being. It crushes families, friendships, marriages, faith, hope, and yes, even love. Peace… SGB

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