It took me forever to find the right cover for this song! Johnny Ellison’s classic is best covered by an AI-generated video! Oh, I’m laughing!
If you dig deep you can find some real gems! This is one of them!
I didn’t expect the Evanescence vibe. When you finally find you’re beautiful…Catchiest tune on the list! Love it!
This girl here has that Nora Jones swoon!
Wonderful is a place that exists for everyone. Find it!
Donna Summer’s Daughter brings chills in her wonderful delivery of their shanty-like songs.
This song has one of the most dreamy guitar leads you’ll ever hear.
The most wonderful act in life is from the “one” that brings us the redeeming spirit. If you’ve experienced it, share it. If you haven’t, find it in yourself to seek it beyond the limitations of man.It’s an amazing journey.
This is an amazing version of the most amazing song! I was so torn not posting up Nat or Louie because I have so much love for them.
Saturday morning is now upon us. Rest and play or work all day, just know that no matter what you’re all wonderful! _SGB