InVoxia’s Smart Dog Collar looks to help even the score with the Dogs’ arch nemesis, Cats!

That might be a slight reach for I’m pretty sure 1 out of 4 Dogs will still be chasing their tail at some point today! :0) Here is what the Invoxia Smart Dog Collar will do though: The collar lets owners…

It’s in the numbers!

Iconic songs about numbers! Have a great week _SGB

At times it’s easier to hear the light than to see it… :0)

Songs about color, life & lights… The Venue: Homepage – Red Rocks Amphitheatre ( Peace _SGB

TacticalXABS Stimulator shapes you up quickly. :0)

Technology at its best! So you want your Abs back before Christmas? TACTICALXABS STIMULATOR can get the mid-section done by that time, Then for Christmas maybe they’ll release the Tactical Glutemus Maximus! :0) Watch the video!  I used to do…

Believing can bring great wealth.

What our favorite artists believe in… As always, A big thanks to all who visit “The Zone.” I hope you enjoyed the first volume of “Believe”. There are tons more to come! Peace_SGB

snowpro is the way to go… :0)

The Bluetooth-capable SnowPRO Headphones work in the rain, snow, the shower, and any body of water you can find. They have an IPX8 rating and work up to 12′ deep in the water. You lose Bluetooth connectivity underwater but you…

“Believe a buddy” is building a better world through love.

Meet Winston! He’s part of the family now! Imagine raising a child who exhibits the love of a Teddy bear. A child who is there for family and friends. A child who is a great listener, cuddler, comforter, and protector…

Keeki has it in the “Bag!” :0)

Is there anything like the scent of a freshly baked loaf of bread? I remember getting to go on a field trip as a kid to a “Wonder Bread Factory” and thought to myself during the entire field trip that…

Twiga Coffee turns a long night into a great morning :0)

A little coffee with your music this morning :0) Twiga Coffee – Fairtrade and USDA Organic Certified Arabica Coffee Prices start at $14.99 I tried the TWIGA ETHIOPIA YIRGACHEFFE this morning. It had a sweet flavor with a distinct aroma…

The Priority Wine Pass makes touring a pleasure!

The concierge service keeps you “in the loop” with the local scene. Stay informed! This is a must-pass for the wine connoisseurs of the world! The Priority Wine Pass gives you access to hundreds of wineries from the NAPA Valley…