The Char-Griller Dual Function 2-Burner Gas & Charcoal Grill: A marvel of modern engineering, giving you the best of both gas and charcoal worlds in one sleek package. If your name is Elon you might question the shallowness of those things I marvel at, but for the rest of us, this grill is the bomb!
The dual function is a real game-changer. When you want to switch from searing steaks on the gas burners to slow-smoking a brisket with charcoal, it’s a smooth transition. You can use the gas burners to light the Charcoal Chimney, so that your ribs and briskets can be on the grill in no time. Concerning your brisket, if you’re tired of playing a game of chess with your lump coal and that precious hunk of meat, the Side Fire Box is a lifesaver. No more painstakingly rearranging coals like you’re strategizing for a grandmaster match. Just load up the Side Fire Box, sit back, and let the magic happen.

Let’s get one thing out in the clear, right off the bat—never, and I mean never, attempt to use lump coal on the gas side. Seriously, who would do that? 😮\It’s like trying to toast a marshmallow with a flamethrower; sure, it might work, but at what cost?


I had two Briskets to do and figured what the heck. I went inside to get a drink and by the time I came back out the gas side looked like it belonged in Palisades a week ago! :o) A quick thinking save of throwing the cover back on (Hahaha) and we were good! It held up pretty well on the “burn the grill to the ground” test. The cover did surprisingly well also. I have no idea how, but the outside of the cover is flawless! I’m rolling laughing right now. You had to be there. I’m telling you the flames were two feet above the top of the grill! Damage assessment was one igniter no longer works, and a little paint bubbled on the back of the lid. It’s unbelievable that it held up that well!
Price: $299.00

All in all, the Char-Griller Dual Function 2-Burner Gas & Charcoal Grill is a fantastic choice for anyone who values versatility, convenience, is cost conscious, and loves a touch of smokey goodness in their grilling adventures. Get the smoking box with it! Happy grilling! 🍖🔥
Char-Griller BBQ Grills and Smokers
Peace_ SGB