Comfort isn’t everything when it comes to gaming chairs, just the most important thing. The M7 Gaming Chair by MAVIX provides all the check marks needed to be called an elite gaming chair. Design, style, technology, durability, and comfort are all on display with this particular model.

Whether you choose black on black, red on black, or white on black all of the choices look dynamite!
Price: $777

The Elemax heating, cooling, and massage accessory along with the FS 360-degree rotational arms provides plenty of extra comfort and ability to maneuver while the Mavix Mesh allows plenty of air flow for those times you find yourself in sticky situations! When you want to kick back and enjoy the spoils of your latest victory, the M7 Gaming Chair allows you to do so with the seat and backrest working independently of one another! Don’t forget to pick your wheel colors! :0)
Shop Mavix Gaming Chairs | Mavix Official Site
It’s a great chair for the price!