Oransi delivers a great product!
It’s hard to explain the change of enviroment an Airmend HEPA Air Purifier brings to the table. The first thing I recognized a few days in is that in performs in near silence. The low whirring sound that it makes became like a security blanket to me. It let me know that it had my best interest in mind without dominating the room.
By the end of week 1, I had noticed a build-up of small particles on the vent. My Karelian Bear Dogs Down Hair and pieces of small grass from shoes along with white dirt. I sweep and mop every other day so this impressed me as to the power and consistency of which the air purifier worked. What the Air vent didn’t catch the Pre-filter that sits in front of the HEPA filter surely did. The Pre-filter keeps you from having to change the HEPA filter too often. I’ve gone over 60 days on the original filter and have never turned the unit off! Impressive!
Price: $199.84

I am a believer in all that the Airmend HEPA Air Purifier says it will do. After 2 months of constant use, I feel better, healthier even! This is a highly recommended product! Hit the link below to learn more.
Breathe Cleaner: The Best HEPA Air Purifier of 2024 | Oransi
Peace – SGB