The CraftHouse Smoking Box by Fortessa
Pat Travers would be a huge fan of the “Smoking Box”
Look, I’ll be the first to say that being a “Product Tester” has its up’s and down’s, literally! It’s the down part that has kept me from writing this review for the past few weeks! You see, when you have days of accidentally walking into a thalweg as you’re testing products like Minelab’s Equinox 700 Metal Detector ($699.00) in a stream, you tend to take solace in knowing you have an old friend to console you on your return home.
The CraftHouse Smoking Box by Fortessa has become that “Old Friend” to me! Being a casual drinker, I’ll partake a few times throughout the week and have fallen in love with the combination of Captain Morgan’s Private Stock with the Pecan chip infused smoke. I smoke the box for just under three minutes and it creates a very unique taste to an already smooth rum. If you’re entertaining company, you might think about pairing the Smoking Box with the AirHood cordless vent ($211.99) to control the air quality in the surrounding area. It’s a great compliment and Harry & Crafty just seem to go hand in hand.
Another thing to consider when using the CraftHouse Smoking Box is the ice. If you use ice in your Hooch and you tend to ingest it then you might want to smoke your drink without the ice as the ice does capture the smoke flavor. Fortessa was kind enough to send me a sharp looking Round stainless ice bucket set which includes tongs ($130.00) that I actually fill up every day just to keep nonalcoholic beverages in. I’ll post a picture of it below for it deserves the attention.
The Smoking Box is a piece of cake to use and comes with three other flavors of chips which are Chery wood, Cottonwood, and Hickory. I personally loved the Cherry wood with Jameson more so than the others’, but it could be that it was my fourth drink that night! :0) I’ll have to switch it up next time Justin (My neighbor) brings over a bottle. The CraftHouse Smoking Box takes the bite out of any liquor and replaces it light hint of smoke in a flavor of your choosing. Not to mention it’s an absolutely gorgeous creation and a must for any Patio, Man cave, or in-house bar setting.
Price: $300.00