The Priority Wine Pass makes touring a pleasure!

The concierge service keeps you “in the loop” with the local scene. Stay informed!

This is a must-pass for the wine connoisseurs of the world! The Priority Wine Pass gives you access to hundreds of wineries from the NAPA Valley to the Texas Hill Country and beyond! OK, I went a little “Buzz Lightyearish” to get my point across. Forgive me! :0)

“We aren’t here for a long time, we’re here for a good time”_ James Michael Cegelski/ 1958-2010. Great words to live by! RIP

All of the best wineries and the benefits provided through The Priority Wine Pass are easily accessible through a mobile app that allows you to plan tours, and stay informed of the many specials that the tours present. The pass gives you access to local driving services and rentals for your visits along with guiding you through setting up both private and corporate parties at discounted rates! It makes touring wineries and vineyards a breeze!

Price: $59.99 /1 year

Wine-tasting tours are a lot of fun. Getting 2 for 1 during the visits is a blast! :0) Take advantage, as visiting just one winery virtually pays for the pass! Peace_SGB

Priority Wine Pass – Wine Tasting Deals & Virtual Tasting Experiences

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