XGIMI Bringing Life To The Party Everywhere it goes!
Have you ever been so excited about opening a present that you actually got butterflies in your stomach? Christmas morning maybe? I had that exact same feeling 3 days ago when I cracked open the box and saw the MoGo 2 Pro projector staring me in the face. I, oh so carefully, undressed this beauty with the greatest of care for it was like the “Holy Grail” of all the products I’ve been testing. After a rather seductive unpackaging of Moog (My nickname for Mogo) I painstakingly read through each and every detail of the user’s guide so that I knew what to expect from this ravaging beauty. Bluetooth, Chromecast, YouTube, Hulu, Ted, Droid, Prime, Settings, Google, ESPN, you name it and it was there as soon as you turned the projector on!

Price: $599.99
The first thing you’ll want to do is get your WIFI set up and then get your Google account loaded in because, well, it’s going to ask you to do so! ;0) By the way, You don’t need to thumb through the Users guide as I did. Just plug the MoGo 2 Pro in, aim it at a wall, and get to settings as quickly as possible. Once you get there you’re going to want to learn to size your screen for the space you’re aiming it at. So go to settings/ Keystone Correction/ Manual Keystone Correction and you’ll see a cameraa-like screen with an orange cursor in the top left corner. Use the “OK” button in the center of the directional pad to move the cursor around the screen. Pull your picture in with the cursor until you achieve the screen size you desire. Keep it rectangular for best results. Use the “Back button at 7 o’clock to exit this phase and go back to settings. Get back to the projector setting and go to “Others”. Here you’ll want to turn off eco mode as it hinders some of your screen options later on. Back out again and go to “Focus”. Once there, follow the instructions on the screen and calibrate the projector. This is important! Tilt the unit after focusing and let auto keystone reset your screen! It will put it back perfectly. Now go to projector settings one last time and turn your brightness to “vivid” and You’re done! These steps can be completed in less than 3 minutes! Or you can use Auto set-up and it works most of the time (90%).
Now let us get on to the exciting stuff! Back out to the main screen and load up YouTube. Search for ” Hi Ren” and watch it! Hahaha Ren is unreal! Too bad Lyme disease is taking him out because Day-umm he’d give Eminem a run for his money! I don’t know if my man Ari understands that this one ain’t coming back! :0) It’s mine all mine! Ari’s going to be looking like the “Keystone Cops” chasing me down the block! I just hope Emil gets that Atomi Alpha Electric Scooter here before Ari rolls into town! Emil’s my “Homey” he’s got my back! I got a Step 2 Ride Along Scooter for Ari when he does arrive, hehe. ;0) I wouldn’t leave him hanging with nothing to chase me with! ;0)

Look folks, I could tell you all about running duplicate screens, extension screens, mirror flip, and all the options this Bad Maama Jamma has because I’ve done it all. You can Bluetooth to audio or video or both. You can play audio through any option within striking distance or use the internal speaker which is very lively and theater-like as it has a “pronounced” delivery. The 1080p resolution gives you a crisp picture on a screen max. of up to 200″! Who says size doesn’t matter? You can play CPU video on Mogo 2 Pro by itself or play Moog back to the CPU. It also offers camera modes. All in all, Moog is the complete package! My office has been a concert hall from the first hour I opened the MoGo 2 Pro.


When you aren’t using her she’ll sweeten your walls up with some nice scenery and when you cross her face she’ll kick it up and get something going out of the blue. It’s like this inanimate object is alive! I kid you not! P.J. Harvey just gave me a great idea with her “Rid of me ” song! Ari, I’m licking Moog’s speaker as we speak! That should do it! :0) All kidding aside folks, I have thoroughly enjoyed the Mogo 2 Pro and you will too! Look for Ari and I on a new episode of “Keystone Cops” :0) Peace