These two truly could “Take the World!”
If love is the most powerful of all the intangibles that embody the human soul, then Amanda and Abner should be crowned King and Queen of our planet! Seriously, I have never been so in awe of the way a couple presents themselves in all my life.
The passion they exhibit towards one another is expected. It’s the quirkiness of the way they handle the rest of their relationship with each other that floor’s me! They’re funny, whimsical, eyebrow raising ways, and the way they bounce off each other is a blessing and a joy to be around.
At concerts, they create an atmosphere based in wholesome fun and goodness that blankets all those in attendance. Their sing-a-longs border on hilarious at times due to Abners antics while Amanda sheepishly looks on with love and disbelief before busting into a silent laughter. The next thing you know everyone is singing!
They have a song called “Drunks” that totally embodies their spirit, but the song hasn’t quite accomplished what Abner wrote it for which is hilarious in its own right! We should learn it just to blow the two of them out of the water one day. ;0)
I hope you have enjoyed the introduction to Johnnyswim. I consider them the greatest duet to ever live. And live they do!
I opened this story the same way I’m going to close it, they truly can Take the World.