After a few months of trying like hell to get a few of my past acquaintances, like parents of the kids I coached and fellow coaches themselves to play PO’UP!, I came to this realization. I don’t know any HBCU Grads! At least none who were willing to get thrashed on a Friday or Saturday night. I called all the “white-collar” “friends that I figured might have graduated from HBCU schools, but they’re responsible Borrrrrr- Ing peeps who are busy being successful in life! :0) I, on the other hand, never finished my schooling in an NAIA institution mainly due to extensive partying so… So I figured, you know what (trouble always starts when I “figure”), my blue-collar friends and I are going to bust this deck open and go for it.

The game & Categories: My favorite category was BLKOUT but you’re going to have to buy the game to find out what it’s about. “College Broke” applied to most of us in high school and is an “everyone drinks” card. “Black School Pride” seems like an isolated category but it’s not at all. With questions like “Favorite Spring Break destinations” it’s more diversified than you’d think. “The Great Debate” is a great category in which you hand-pick an opponent or two and state your business concerning the question. We used 1 on 1’s and did a group vote for the winner. Loser drinks. This category carried the night! From “Make SUM ISH UP” to “Truth/ Double Dog Dare” “the rest of the categories fill the deck nicely. The singing! Take the singing cards out once a hue of drunkenness permeates the air. :0) I guess between McNicholas and I being Irish, and coming from the only lineage that sings better than the Black Americans, we had to “carry” those cards. Man, it was bad otherwise! :0)
Price: $19.95
The morning after: I woke up at 5:30 am on a slate floor just feet short of my bedroom door with my hoodie curled up under my head! ;0) I remember Kev and I were the last two standing and had run out of liquor. Soooo, we started drinking “Bailey’s Irish Creme” and then some gawd awful stuff called “Creme de Menthe.” Smashed to smithereens, I guess I missed my mark trying to make it to the room. The Island in the kitchen and the breakfast table resembled the remains of an emptied liquor cabinet. The Liquor cabinet was open and, you guessed it, empty. Fireball, Chivas, Wild Turkey, Two 12 packs of Dos Equis, and 3 bottles of Kendall Jackson Chardonnay later are what got us to the “Baileys and the Creme de Uck.” You’ve been warned! Drink responsibly with educated, wonderful, people of any background that you choose. Just don’t invite Kev & Lisa, McNicholas, John, Rob, or myself to the party. ;0)
Po’UP! is a blast guys! Don’t be like “Us.” play responsibly! Peace_SGB