Praise him in the storm that’s upon us :0)

We have many things to be thankful for in life. Still, there are many other things that are in desperate need of prayer. Look at what’s going on worldwide and nearby and raise your prayers up accordingly. May GOD’s peace…

Aizopa is the “Usain Bolt” of icemakers! :0)

This is the fastest icemaker in the world! The Aizopa ICE MAKER is such a well-designed ICE MAKER you’ll wonder how you made it all these years without it. No more trips to the fridge during drink or food preps.…

It takes a special woman to be called a “Lady.”

-Songs for the Ladies- The woman is truly GOD’s most beautiful creation. Being a “lady” accentuates that beauty and elevates you to a place beyond explanation. Peace_SGB

The “Hodge twins”-two funny Brothers born one after another.

Keith and Kevin ain’t right! Hodgetwins – Patriotic Apparel, Giveaways, Hoodies, T-Shirts, Hats — officialhodgetwins These guys should be doing the 6 o’clock News! I trust them more than any other analytical news source! Peace_ SGB

New Music: Jamie Bower’s music is in line with Bowie

On October 20th Jamie will be releasing “Heaven In Your Eyes.” Peace_SGB

Music Monday in a different way. Can you say MCA..:0)

I’ll be rotating MCA Mondays and Motown Mondays from here out. You can see why, right? :0) Have a great Monday! Peace_SGB

A day in the life of praise

Before the sun wakes to the darkness of night we should always give thanks. Let us all have a blessed upcoming week! Peace_SGB

It’s best to rest in the midst of the storm.

You’ll need all the energy you have to pick up the pieces after the fact. Let us all have an exciting and fun-filled weekend! Peace_SGB

Music, Fire, and Sirens culminate in a battle for Heaven? :0)

Whew, This playlist is low-did! Until Tomorrow, Peace_SGB

1,2,3,4,5 Ladies and Gents the battle starts now!

Songs by the numbers: A battle of the sexes :0) And the winner is….. Us! We got to journey through the Great Halls of Legendary Musical Artists once again, and that makes for a great day. Thanks for listening_SGB