Stay on top of pet grooming with the FurZapper Pet Grooming Glove.
The FurZapper and The FurZapper Pet Grooming Glove go together like peace and quiet. While your pet is going to thoroughly enjoy his daily grooming with the FurZapper Glove, the rest of the house is going to enjoy getting dressed in fur-free clothing due to the use of the FurZapper!

The glove is a gentle way of grooming your pet that they’ll actually enjoy. It’s a good idea to groom your pets daily anyway as it promotes a healthier coat and activates the oil glands that give the coat a nice sheen. The Pet Grooming glove is made out of safe, allergy-free, hypo-allergenic silicone and can be used thousands of times. The glove is effortless to use and very durable. Using it a few minutes daily will definitely help get the pet hair in the house, under control.

Meet Gracie! I’m sure I’m not the only one who struggles with who’s bed is who’s. :0) The Fur Zapper Pet Grooming Glove has worked wonders this Summer in controlling the shedding!
Price for the FurZapper Pet Grooming Glove: $12.99
Price for the FurZapper: $15.00
I’m very impressed with the glove as it has become a staple in my daily activity with Gracie. These two products go hand in hand! Peace_SGB